Working Years

Financial guidance throughout your career.

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Many milestones may have come and gone, and now the focus is on planning for retirement, which is closer on the horizon.

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Already Retired

Ensuring that your finances can support your lifestyle throughout retirement.

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Working Years

Isla and Evie: It’s never too early to start saving for college
Financial guidance throughout your career

We establish a road map for establishing priorities and financial solutions throughout the stages of your life, whether you are just starting a career or well established in your working life. Goals may include saving for near-term goals and longer-run goals, such as first (or second) house purchase and retirement, and college savings strategies or balancing paying down debt (student loans, credit card or mortgages) with savings goals. Topic areas may include:

  • Cash flow
    • How much can be saved?
    • Are savings sufficient to meet goals?
    • How to prioritize savings/investing for multiple goals (retirement, college, travel, second home).
  • Employee Benefits
    • Make sure to take full advantage of employer benefits.
    • Is your employer the best place for benefits such as life insurance and disability insurance?
  • Investment Plan
    • How much can/should be saved in work retirement plan?
    • Are Roth IRAs advisable?
    • Should there be investments outside of retirement? 
    • Analyze investments to determine appropriate asset allocation for your needs.
    • Asset location – which type of investments belong in which accounts?
  • Tax strategy
    • Are there opportunities for tax savings?
    • Are investments tax efficient?
  • Plans to protect from ”What Ifs” - Insurance Review
    • Are levels of property & casualty insurance, life insurance, disability insurance adequate?
    • Have property and casualty insurance needs changed?
    • Is umbrella coverage sufficient?
    • Should long-term care insurance be considered?
  • Estate Planning
    • Is there an estate plan in place, is it up to date?


Pre-Retirement (Retirement within 10 years)

Many milestones may have come and gone, and now the focus is on planning for retirement, which is closer on the horizon.

Customized financial plans for each unique circumstance.
Jeanne’s sons are both now college graduates. Although Jeanne has no plans to retire, these milestone events are often the time attention is turned to retirement.
  • Retirement
    • Determination if a comfortable retirement is possible, if not what changes can be made now to achieve that goal
  • Retirement Income
    • Evaluation of the optimal timing to commence Social Security and/or pensions
  • Cash Flow
    • Are there still conflicting goals – paying for children’s college and saving for retirement?
    • How might cash flow change in retirement?
  • Tax Planning
    • Recommend prudent tax strategy.
  • Prepare for “What If’s”
    • Is life insurance still needed?
    • Is disability insurance still needed?
    • Formulate a plan for paying for potential long-term care costs.
  • Investment Analysis
    • Should asset allocation be adjusted to lower volatility investments?
  • Estate Planning
    • Assist with updating estate planning to reflect current life situation.


Already Retired


Financially In Tune retiree, Eric, enjoying time with his grandson, Adam.
  • Withdrawal Strategy
    • How much can safely be withdrawn from assets?
    • Which accounts should be tapped when?
    • Typically, withdrawals come from the cash portion of portfolios, how much cash is needed?
  • Investments
    • Should asset allocation be adjusted in retirement?
  • Tax Strategy
    • Development of tax sensitive strategies for drawing upon assets
    • Consider estate tax consequences of withdrawal strategies
  • What insurance is needed now?
    • Is life insurance still needed?
    • Formulate a plan for paying for potential long-term costs.
  • Estate plan
    • Review and update as needed